
Sunday Jul 20, 2014
Episode 12: Border, Racism, and Top Secret!
Sunday Jul 20, 2014
Sunday Jul 20, 2014
Mark had to go solo again this week but the tweaking of the sound quality continues. Technically our best sounding yet. He rants about the border, racism, and deer. Then a trip back in time to a little movie called "Top Secret!"

Friday Jul 11, 2014
Friday Jul 11, 2014
We've invested in new mics! Still learning but better quality listening! We talk about the border chaos, the Hobby Lobby decision, Transformers 4, and Begin Again.

Sunday Jun 29, 2014
Sunday Jun 29, 2014
Triple-Sized Mega-Cast! Don't worry, never again. Mark goes solo for the first hour and Jim comes back for the last two. Mark give a lesson in economics. We deal with the IRS and EPA emails. We have a special guest! We peel back the mystique that is Clint Eastwood. Then our summer movie magic blood roundup.

Monday Jun 23, 2014
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Mark calms down from the last rant and re-examines the IRS email debacle. Then we discuss Game of Thrones. We discuss racism for a while. Then Jim decides to rant about Soccer and we prove the World Cup is socialist. Or at least Soccer. Finally after a lot of random synapse firings, we circle back around to Game of Thrones.

Tuesday Jun 17, 2014
Episode VIII: IRS Emails, 22 Jump Street, How to Train Your Dragon 2
Tuesday Jun 17, 2014
Tuesday Jun 17, 2014
Mark gives a class on email and how the IRS is full of s***. Then he gets mad. Jim narrowly avoids driving off the embankment just stop Mark's ranting. Finally they wrap it up with reviews on 22 Jump Street and How to Train Your Dragon 2.

Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Jim and Mark took a Sunday to watch three movies in a row so you don't have to. Then we looked at the movie Ghostbusters and how it's become a definitive conservative movie.

Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Episode VI: Low Information Voters, Boxing, Rocky, James Bond
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
We depress ourselves with low information voters but perk up discussing boxing, Rocky, and James Bond.

Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Episode V: Selling Health Care Across State Lines and Godzilla
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
So we look deeper into the idea of selling health insurance across state lines and what it really means for competition. Then Mark shares his thoughts on Godzilla however he may have gone unconscious.

Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014
We talk about Man of Steel and Batman who's going to be in this and wrap up with thoughts on Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom after 30 years.

Saturday May 24, 2014
Episode IV: Part 1 The New York Times and Sexism plus some Agents of Shield
Saturday May 24, 2014
Saturday May 24, 2014
Was Jill Abramson fired because of sexism? Was this inevitable? Then we start going into heavy geek stuff in DC Universe and Agents of Shield. You're warned.